Sleepy Sunday

We went to the drive-in last night and saw “Get Smart”.  A good time was had by all and the kids were pretty cooperative.  Evie even fell asleep in her bouncer seat, after craning her neck so she could see the movie screen.  Goofy girl.  Still, it was late, late, late by the time we got home.  Liam pretty much just crashed right out.  Do not pass go, do not collect $200.  Evie followed right behind and surprised the heck out of me by not cracking an eyelid until after 5am.  She didn’t even shift from her position.  Girl was TIRED.

We didn’t roll out of bed until after 9:30 this morning as a result.  In fact, Harry was the FIRST one up (when does that ever happen?) and Liam was the last one up.  I wonder if we haven’t entered into some sort of weird portal or something, some sort of Bizaaro World.

So today has been rather lazy so far.  We missed church, of course.  We’ve just now managed to have some lunch.  Perhaps, maybe, we’ll make it out into the Outside World.  Where, of course, we will not b spending any money.  Because one needs to have money to spend in order to spend money (at least, that’s our philosophy, but then we don’t use credit cards).

Anyhow, to appease you good readers (all two of you), I’m going to post the following video.  I took it the other afternoon of Evie.  I was hoping to get her to “talk” to me.  She is a big-time coo-er.  I’ve never had such a talkative baby.  She gave a coo or two, but I mostly was able to get smiles out of her.  Which, you know, isn’t so bad.  I mean, I’m still totally going to eat her.

5 thoughts on “Sleepy Sunday

  1. Marilyn, that is one beautiful baby! Every time I see her picture I just want to smooch those cheeks, so you know this video just about killed me with the cuteness. She looks like she has so much to say that she just doesn’t know where to start!

    Mine are 15 and 8 and driving each other (but mostly me) crazy, so remembering those sweet baby days just put a much-needed smile on my face. I’m going to consider that my birthday present from the internet. Thanks!

  2. OMG I just love the drive in in the early summer!!! Some of them you can even grill there. I may have to get an evite together and go to the drive in with some friends 🙂

    And yes those cheeks make you want to just gobble her 🙂

    mojavis last blog post..crazy…

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